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Are you a web designer? Do you want a free rebrandable license so you can set up an online demo on your own website -- with your own branding?
If you have an old (version 1.x) SnippetMaster PRO license key you must exchange it for a new one.

Upgrading To The New 2.x Version

What's New in 2.x?

So what has changed? Lots! Everything! [Here is a ist of some new features.]

You can also go through the online demo for the new version if you
want to get a feel for how it works and how it looks.

** Be sure to visit the "what's new" FAQ for the new version.

Click here if you have a PRO license key from the old version (v1.x)


How Do I Upgrade From My Old 1.x Version?

I've tried very hard to make the installation and upgrade process as intuitive and easy-to-use as possible. Using the Auto-Installer, you should be able to install the new version within a few minutes!

=> How To Upgrade From The Old 1.x Version <=

The link above goes to the "how to upgrade" section of the Documentation and Installation Guide where you can find detailed instructions for going from the "old" version of SnippetMaster to the new version.

** It is especially important to read the upgrade instructions fully and carefully because there is some important information about a major change to the Snippet Tag system.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, please be sure to visit the support forums for assistance


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