Hi everyone,
Well, so far I've received some great feedback from you, and there have been a
lot of downloads! SnippetMaster is a success. Yippee!
SnippetMaster LITE is offered free of charge, because I'm such a nice guy.
However, you still can help me out!
If you're using snippmaster LITE to make money (ie: charging your clients, etc..) then please take a peek at SnippetMaster PRO
purchase page.
If you prefer not to purchase the PRO version, then could you write a nice review or rate the script? (Or both?)
hotscripts.com rating page: http://www.hotscripts.com/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?ID=17534
hotscripts.com review page: http://www.hotscripts.com/account/index.html?section=reviews&type=addnew&listing_id=17534
(You must register for free hotscripts.com membership first.)
scriptsearch.com rating page: http://www.scriptsearch.com/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?ID=6197
php.resourceindex.com rating and review page: http://php.resourceindex.com/detail/01662.html
(Close to the bottom of the page)
Thanks everyone!