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Topic: Tip to boost sales, and a few questions (Read 1913 times) |
Posts: 19
I would like to give you a big compliment on the installation. Although I had to find out myself that I had to change 'localhost' into '' for things to work (wouldn't that be better, as default setting?), the installation really was just a matter of uploading the installer to its own folder, directing the browser to that folder, and the rest went automatic. Even on a server without IonCube or Zend installed!
I would suggest to request that SM be included on this page of light CMSs: CMS Demos and Information. It could well boost sales, especially because SM is the only light CMS that can edit existing pages, and does so by rewriting the pages themselves, not some vague, deeply hidden file. Also, SM seems to be the only (light) CMS that renders CSS, even from linked style sheets. Even though it seems to ignore on-page style blocks (not inline styles), that is great! Therefore, you can expect my PRO purchase soon.
My questions are these:
- Can we upgrade TinyMCE to its latest version ourselves? If so, how do we do that?
- Does the PRO version have a spelling checker, or is that also a matter of installing or waiting for a newer version? If so, and we cannot upgrade TinyMCE ourselves, when will a new SM version with a new TinyMCE be due?
- On your site it says: "Creates fully valid code that is compliant with all xHTML standards." But when I center text, it injects align="center" in the tag, not style="text-align:center". The first is not compliant with (X)HTML Strict, only with Transitional, and also not with HTML5. Is this due to the same issue, a newer TinyMCE being needed?
Thanks in advance,
[Edit: found the Styles button, i.e. drop menu button.]
Forum Administrator
Posts: 3169
SnippetMaster Author
Hi Frank,
Thanks very much!
I will visit the CMS Demo website and try to get Snippetmaster listed... I appreciate the link.
To answer your questions... basically.. it is not possibile to upgrade the TinyMCE editor component yourself, as the new version of TinyMCE uses a totally different API from the old version of TinyMCE SnippetMaster is using now.
(Which is exactly the reason for the very very long delay with this recent upgrade.)
I am just about finished the new upgrade, which includes the latest version of TinyMCE, along with the spell checker and full xhtml and html5 compliancy. (According to TinyMCE...)
I'm expecting to have it released within a few weeks now, as I'm just waiting for them to reply to one remaining bug which is causing the editor to crash on IE.
Posts: 19
That's good news, Henri, I'm looking forward to it.
Does the new TinyMCE render php-included files as well? On a test site, I have some pages with php includes (menus and footers), but they do not show up when I open the page in Snippetmaster/TinyMCE. And that distorts the rendering of the pages. Is a rendering of the includes foreseen for the near future? Or should I put the editable contents in iframes?
Forum Administrator
Posts: 3169
SnippetMaster Author
I am still working on the ability to "read" php included files... but at the moment it is not working correctly except for very basic situations. (ie: if the include is in the same folder as the html file.)
I will hopefully be able to sort this out in time for the release though, although I can't promise this feature will be in the next release.
Posts: 19
at the moment it is not working correctly except for very basic situations. (ie: if the include is in the same folder as the html file.)
That would be good enough for me! And probably for most users of SM, because I'd think that most will make websites for small to medium businesses, thus small- to medium-sized websites.
But are you sure that you already have that working? That SM/TinyMCE can load a page with includes, show the whole page including those included files, but edit and especially save only the snippets, while leaving the <? include('file.ext') ?> lines untouched? I would think that it would replace those lines with the actual code of the files then?
Posts: 37
And I was going to ask for a NicEdit version... since it seems less code destructive than TinyMCE...
Congrats on getting there.
I think many of us would appreciate access to a beta that doesn't work wtih IE.
Posts: 19
I think many of us would appreciate access to a beta that doesn't work wtih IE.
I most certainly agree.
Posts: 37
It's a five week check -- any progress?
"I'm expecting to have it released within a few weeks now, as I'm just waiting for them to reply to one remaining bug which is causing the editor to crash on IE. "
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