Posts: 2
After a successful automatic install, when I click on START INSTALLATION WIZARD I see only a blank page.
My purpose of installing SnippetMaster is to learn how it works, so I use a free server offered by
Any suggestions?
Thank you!
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Posts: 3133
SnippetMaster Author
I think you just sent me an email?
It looks like the server you are using does not support Ioncube Loaders. The Ioncube Loaders are required by SnippetMaster to decode the program files...
I will take a look more into this and see if perhaps the people can provide a version of the loader files that works with this hosting provider. I'll let you know...
Posts: 2
Thank you for your fast answer!
Well yes, I just sent you a request for installation, and I am going to send you then another one for another free hosting server. There I could not even finish the automatic installation, because when I click the button INSTALL a download window appears to download autoinstaller.php from my server.
Posts: 33
Im having the same problem.. ive several other sites using snippetmaster and they all are fine (all using the same host provider) but all of a sudden with this new installation on a new site I cant seem to get past the file installation.. im using ioncube as my provider doesnt like the zend files...
I have also emailed you for an installation on this one.. was hoping to have done before kids got off for school break! oops. shouldnt have left this job till last :/
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Posts: 3133
SnippetMaster Author
I'll send a reply to your email about this.
Posts: 33
Hi thank you so much for fixing it so far so good - I can now get to the admin panel with no problems. Can you let me know what you did to fix this so if it happens again I can remedy it without hassling you
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Posts: 3133
SnippetMaster Author
The ioncube loaders needed to be installed using a "php.ini" file in each folder where a .php file exists.
Posts: 33
So if this were to happen again during an automatic install on another site and I were to copy the "php.ini" file you have placed on this server over to the problematic one in its entirety (and into each sub folder containing a .php file) then it should be all good?.
Just out of interest where did you get the "php.ini" file from - does it come in the manual download of the snippetmaster?
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Posts: 3133
SnippetMaster Author
No, the problem is that the Ioncube Loaders on your website will not work without a special "php.ini" file. This file was created by the Ioncube Loader "install wizard" that I used to install the loaders on your website. It is from
An easier solution is to ask your hosting provider to install the Ioncube Loaders for you. Any good hosting provider should do this for you in 10 seconds, as it's standard hosting software on any shared hosting server.
Then you won't have to worry about the ioncube loader stuff at all.
Posts: 33
Superb thanks so much - and yes I thought it was odd that all the others have worked no problems! host must be slacking off now that its egg nog season .. righty head down tail up - only four more sites to go! thanks so much for your speedy reply
Posts: 4
I'm having this problem as well.
I've installed Snippetmaster on a couple of sites on the same server successfully but I just tried to install this on a new site and I can't get to the admin.php page once install is complete.
Forum Administrator
Posts: 3133
SnippetMaster Author
What happens when you click the admin link?
Note, that the "starting" login page for snippetmaster is /snippetmaster/index.php and NOT /snippetmaster/admin.php
You should never directly access the admin.php file. It should be called by clicking on the "admin" link after you login.
Let me know.
Posts: 4
Forum Administrator
Posts: 3133
SnippetMaster Author
Posts: 4
Thanks. Just filled out the form.
Is there a reason it worked before but not now?
I'd like to contact my host and see if they can help me. The more info the better.
Thanks again. I really love this software! I've licensed about 5 or so copies.
Forum Administrator
Posts: 3133
SnippetMaster Author
OK, I will reply to you via email so we can work together and figure out the problems.