Dear reader,
I'm working on a website for a welfare organisation in Holland and i got the pro version of snippet from Henry! I installed an other cms for a newspaper on the site and it works. I had to chmod (i don't really know what it is) the files, i did that with my ftp program. But i don't know how to do that with directories. Snippet doesn't work how i installed it and i'm afraid it never will when i don't get help. I just got a php upgrade so i'm still working an a test site where i can get everything working within 30 days.
The url is :
The other cms is cmsimple (i can recomend it for something like a newspaper) but it's clearly not enough to do a site with.
This is what i have done within snippet.
// This is the FULL path to the directory where the SnippetMaster program files
// are located. DO NOT add a trailing slash.
$PATH = "/v/5/5/3/55313/docs/cms";
// This is the FULL path to the directory where your website files are
// located on your server (Your web root). DO NOT add a trailing slash.
$ROOT = "/v/5/5/3/55313/docs";
// Set to the full url to access the value you set for $ROOT
$PREVIEW = "";
// Set to the full url to access the value you set for $PATH.
$URL = "";
// If you don't want to use at least three locations, just delete the lines you
// don't need. (They are for example only, anyway..)
$UPLOAD_INFO[1][PATH] = "/v/5/5/3/55313/docs/cms/public_html/location1";
$UPLOAD_INFO[1][NAME] = "Upload Location #1";
$UPLOAD_INFO[2][PATH] = "/v/5/5/3/55313/docs/cms/public_html/location2";
$UPLOAD_INFO[2][NAME] = "Upload Location #2";
$UPLOAD_INFO[3][PATH] = "/v/5/5/3/55313/docs/cms/public_html/location3";
$UPLOAD_INFO[3][NAME] = "Upload Location #3";
When i go to the login online i get this :
That can't be good.
When i push the button the index.php is loaded in the same directorie, so it will not be found. When i go to the index by hand it tells me this:
SnippetMaster v1.2.5 : SCRIPT ERROR
SnippetMaster was unable to continue due to the following error:
Sorry, but the License Key you supplied is not for the RESELLER version of SnippetMaster. You may NOT modify or remove the 'Powered by SnippetMaster PRO' links or copyright information. You are violating your license agreement if you modify or remove this text from the program.
Your email address and domain name information have been reported to the website and you will soon be investigated for copyright violation.
If you want to remove the copyright and 'Powered by' text, please purchase a RESELLER license.
Please see the following page for more information:
What do i have to do? help